Morning, kiddies!
Today has been a good day for the creative writer in me, and only marginally includes any real writing!
Rich Jordan, a very talented artist who I found on, a site that features the work of many fine comic book artists and writers, was going to, a while back, work on a project of mine called STILLETO (or STILETTO, I still can't remember how to spell it). This happened at a time when I was doing some real hardcore shopping for collaborators; I had a number of projects in the works, and was in a frenzy looking for art-guys. Rich graciously consented to draw the project, with nothing more than the promise of publication, since that's about all I CAN promise, but with the hope of some dough somewhere down the line.
Things being what they are in THIS writer's life, I lost track of Rich, after receiving some beeyooteefull concept sketches from him. Loyal readers of this blog will remember that I lost a few illustrators in the last couple weeks, as well as gaining more than a few rejection letters from publishers-that-be. I'd heard nothing at all from Rich, however.
Yesterday, whilst poring over the wounds on my psyche caused by the rejections of both stripes, I decided to inflict one on myself, and write to Rich, telling him that it really, truly was okay if he didn't want to do the project, but that he should just sob, sniff, TELL me!
Rich wrote back, and said, nope, he was STILL INTERESTED! Oh, joy, oh rapture! I quickly forwarded him the character synopses for him to cull sketches from while I finish up a project I'm currently doing, so as to dash off the first chapter of STILLETO (or STILETTO).
I'm happier than a pig in poo, and wanted to share my happiness with all of you (hi, Nicky!).
Lesson learned, even for an old-timer like myself; just when you think you're at the end of your rope, someone feeds you more line! Yay!
More later...